
  • Aetna

    Alliance Health & Life

    Blue Cross Blue Shield/BCN

    Blue Cross Complete

    Cigna PPO


    Health Alliance Plan (HAP)


    Priority Health



    United Healthcare

    United Healthcare Community


    If your plan is not listed please call to inquire.

    Plans are subject to change.

  • Our billing department is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. For urgent medical-related questions, call us during business hours. The best way to get non-urgent questions answered is via the portal, where you can message the docs directly. When you leave a message during office hours, we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible, but the portal is the best way to communicate with us.

  • For any life-threatening medical emergencies, please proceed directly to the emergency room or contact 911. For emergency situations that are non-life threatening, after hours, please call our office and the answering service will connect you with a WBP clinician.

    For important, but not immediate issues such as prescriptions, symptoms lasting > 2 weeks or requests to be seen in the morning, please contact our office via the portal. The best way to get non-urgent questions answered through theportal, where you can message the docs directly.

  • Our Athena Patient Portal is a HIPPA-compliant, convenient method of messaging our staff. Seeing as our physicians and nurses spend a large part of their workday caring for patients in the office,  we encourage all non-urgent medical questions to be sent through the patient portal. All prescription requests are required to be sent through the patient portal. Also, messages to the billing staff, pay outstanding balances and schedule and view upcoming appointments.

    Patient Portal

  • It is our policy that no new medications, including antibiotics, are prescribed without first being examined by one of our physicians. For chronic conditions, we will be more than happy to refill your prescription, provided that we have been following your child for this condition. All lab results and prescription requests will only be addressed via the Athena port description

  • Unfortunately, if you are more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled well visit, we have to reschedule. Ill children will be worked into the schedule, with prompt patients given priority. If you are running behind call us or let us know via the portal.

  • The vaccination policy of Well-Being Pediatrics is based upon scientifically proven medical research and ardent recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and HEDIS. Any religious beliefs and/or practices are independent of, and irrelevant to our vaccination policy. Our policy is in place to best protect our patient population. Following our vaccination policy, as recommended by the CDC, and based on substantial and robust scientific research and evidence, provides the best safeguard for our patients against disease and sickness

    More on our vaccine policy....

  • Policy for Divorced or Separated Parents

    Well-Being Pediatrics is dedicated to providing the best quality care to your child(ren). Children of divorced or separated parents often present our practice with unique challenges; therefore, the following policy has been established to avoid any misunderstandings.

    1. The providers and office staff will not be put in the middle of domestic disputes or disagreements aver the phone, portal (any electronic communications) or in the office.

    2. Please make decisions regarding appointments, vaccinations and/or any office procedures PRIOR to visiting our practice.

    3. "Joint Custody" means that each parent has equal access to the child's medical records and patient portal. Without a court order, we will not stop either parent from accessing their child's chart, obtaining test results, or having a patient portal account. If there is a dispute between the parents regarding custody, and a custody agreement has been reached, we will need to be provided with documentation specifying the legal guardian.

    4. Only in situations where there is a confirmed and documented Court Order will one of the parents be denied access to the minor child's medical records or visits to the office. Well-Being Pediatrics must have a copy of this Court Order on file in the minor's electronic medical record.

    5. If there is NOT a court order on file with our office, either parent or legal guardian can schedule an appointment for their child, be present for the visit and/or obtain a copy of the visit summary. Either parent or legal guardian can also sign a "Consent to Treat" form that authorizes named individuals (like grandparents, nannies etc.) to bring your child to our practice, be present during the visit and consent to any treatment during the visit. We will not be involved in any disputes regarding named individuals on the consent forms unless instructed by the court documents.

    6. Each parent should identity themselves when sending portal messages or any other written correspondence to the provider/practice for the child to receive the best care possible.

    7. It Is our policy to collect payment at the time of service from the parent, guardian or caretaker who brings the child in for the appointment.legal guardian, legal guardian

    8. The parent or guardian who signs our acknowiedgement, authorization, and office policy forms w account.

    9. It is each parents' responsibility to communicate with each other about the patients' care, office v information relevant to the patient. It is NOT the provider's responsibility to communicate inform each custodial parent separately. Our providers will not call the non attending parent following vi to notify of an appointment scheduled by the other or get in the middle of disagreements with pa scheduled by the other parent. Cancelations of each other's scheduled appointments will result in

    10. We reserve the right to discharge the family fram the practice due to non compliant behavior or f5. If there is NOT a court order on file with our office, either parent or legal guardian can schedule an appointment for their child, be pre: the visit and/or obtain a copy of the visit summary. Either parent or legal guardian can also sign a "Consent to Treat" form that authori named individuals (like grandparents, nannies etc.) to bring your child to our practice, be present during the visit and consent to any treatment during the visit. We will not be involved in any disputes regarding named individuals on the consent forms unless instructed court documents.

    6. Each parent should identify themselves when sending portal messages or any other written correspondence to the provider/practice fo child to receive the best care possible

    7. It is our policy to collect payment at the time of service from the parent, guardian or caretaker who brings the child in for the appointm

    8. The parent or guardian who signs our acknowledgement, autharization, and office policy farms will be the listed guarantor on the patie account.

    9. It is both parents' responsibility to communicate with each other about the patients' care, office visit dates and any other pertinent information relevant to the patient. It is NOT the provider's responsibility to communicate information regarding the patient's visit to each custodial parent separately. Our providers will not call the non attending parent following visits. Additionally, we will not call a pa to notify of an appointment scheduled by the other or get in the middle of disagreements with parents calling to cancel appointments scheduled by the other parent. Cancelations of each other's scheduled appointments will result in dismissal from the practice.

    10. We reserve the right to discharge the family from the practice due to non compliant behavior or failure to follow this palicy.

  • Many insurance plans require you to pay a copayment and/or meet a yearly deductible. Copayments and yearly deductibles constitute a contractual obligation between you and your health plan provider. If the copayment obligation is not met, your health plan provider has the right to deny any and all charges, which could leave you responsible for all services rendered during your visit. Copayments are due at the time of service. We accept Cash, Credit Card, and Check. Payments can be made through the portal or by contacting the billing department at 248-596-1000 (option 2)